The Following is a listing and brief description of the approved Elected and Appointed Positions at the Flotilla Level of the Coast Guard Auxiliary. Each FSO function is important in meeting the Mission of the CG Auxiliary. Although it is not required that all positions be filled they usually are. The variety of positions and skills required offers an opportunity for new members to immediately become involved in a meaningful way.


                                    Flotilla Commander:    Wayne Schnell

The Commander is responsible for the Flotilla and its operation. The Commander is a member of the Division Board and represents the Flotilla at the Division Level. The Commander appoints the Flotilla Staff Officers who assist him in carrying out the responsibilities of the Flotilla.

                                  Flotilla Vice Commander:    Pandora Vreeland

The Vice Commander shall fill in for the Commander in his absence and is responsible for managing the activities of the Flotilla Staff Officers (FSOs).

                                Immediate Past Flotilla Commander:    Jim Vreeland

The Immediate Past Commander provides continuity in the management of the Flotilla affairs.


                        Aids to Navigation (FSO-AN):    Art Pelka

The FSO-AN is responsible for directing the activities of Aton qualified members in checking both Coast Guard and Private Aids to Navigation to assure they are located where identified and that they are in good condition and operating as specified.

        Communications (FSO-CM):    Es Smith

The FSO-OP is responsible for encouraging members to establish land or mobile radio communication facilities as part of an emergency network and to assist members in developing the proper use of the radio in on the water communication.

                              Communications Services (FSO-CS):    Joe Solymossy

The FSO-CS is responsible for furthering the Coast Guard’s desire to improve communication and reduce operational costs by furthering development of electronic media use including e-mail, interest groups and web watching and web site publishing.

                             Finance (FSO-FN):    Mac McDermott

The FSO-FN is responsible for maintaining the financial records and to write checks for the purchase of Flotilla equipment and supplies in support of its programs.

                       Information Systems (FSO-IS):    Don Edmands, Jr.

The FSO-IS is responsible for assuring that member and flotilla activities are reported and properly credited in the National Auxiliary Mission Information System (AUXMIS). 

                          Marine Visitor (FSO-MV):    Peter Kraslawsky

The FSO-MV visits all of the Marine Dealers within the area several times a year to be sure they are supplied with the CG Auxiliary Safe Boating Pamphlets, information on its Safe Boating Classes and contacts within the Flotilla.

      Materials (FSO-MA):   

The FSO-MA is the purchasing agent for the Flotilla and is responsible for ordering both Flotilla and members equipment, supplies and uniform items.

                Member Fellowship (FSO-MF):    Pandora Vreeland

The FSO-MF serves as the Flotilla’s Social Chairman arranging boating overnights, picnics, gatherings in member homes and refreshments at our regular flotilla meetings.

     Member Training (FSO-MT):    Carolyn McDermott

The FSO-MT is responsible for providing members with training opportunities to become qualified and maintain those qualifications in the various programs of the Auxiliary.

                         Operations (FSO-OP):    Mac McDermott

The FSO-OP is responsible for organizing Flotilla Patrols utilizing Qualified Crew and Coxswain members and integrating the Flotilla’s on the water activities in support of the Coast Guard mission except for Law Enforcement or Military Action.

                        Public Affairs (FSO-PA):    k

The FSO-PA is responsible for the Flotilla’s interface with the public, which includes getting out press releases to the media on Flotilla activities and setting up Public Information booths to distribute Safe Boating pamphlets.

    Publications (FSO-PB):    Robert Wilson

The FSO-PB is responsible for publishing a monthly Flotilla newsletter (We currently are not publishing a monthly Newsletter) and for encouraging and aiding members to preparing and submitting articles for publication in the newsletter and other publications.

    Personnel Services (FSO-PS):    Debbie Barnett

The FSO-PS serves as the Omsbundsman for members of the Flotilla and assists the member in personal matters related to the CG Auxiliary.

Public Education (FSO-PE):     Carolyn McDermott

The FSO-VE is responsible for providing the boating public with Safe Boating Courses that will increase their safety on the water and reduce accidents and loss of life. The FSO-VE is responsible for providing direction and support to the Qualified Instructors whom teach those courses.

Secretary (FSO-SR):   

The FSO-SR is responsible for taking the minutes at meetings and to assure that the minutes are made available to the membership.

 Vessel Examination (FSO-VE):    Wayne SchnellJeffrey Durrie

The FSO-VE is responsible for directing the activities of those qualified members who perform courtesy vessel examinations for the public to ensure their vessels meet Coast Guard Requirements.

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